Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Recommendations for donating shawl???

Hello peeps!

I finally finished the shawl that I have been working on for several weeks.

This shawl is so soft and warm and I want to find just the right home for it!!  I'm having some trouble deciding where to donate it.  Possibly a nursing home or homeless shelter?  Another thought is to donate it to a flood victim, but I don't know how I would go about getting it to someone. 

Does anyone have any great ideas on where I might donate this shawl?  I would really welcome any thoughts on this!

I am ramping up to start working on little vests and hats again for the children in South Africa with AIDS!   I love working on those darling little hats and it really makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile!  If you haven't had a chance to check out the website, please do so when you have a moment.  The pictures of the children are so sweet and it really puts life into perspective when you see how little it takes to make them smile!
(link at the bottom of this post) 

The only hitch with sending items to South Africa is the postage; it's very expensive.  My cousin Michele told me she thought there was a way to request and take donations on Facebook.  She suggested I might be able to get donations to put toward postage.  Hmmm.......  Does anyone know how to do this on FB?  I'm sure there is also a way to do it on my blog, but I am still learning how everything works on this thing!  Below is the link to see pictures and information regarding the children in Africa.

"It is estimated that there are 14.8 million orphans in sub-saharan Africa. 1.9 million live in South Africa."

I hope everyone has a really great week!!
With love and fellowship,

Mary Anne

Monday, May 9, 2011

A little bit about moms........

Hello dearhearts,

I wanted to share these sweet little baby geese with you.  It seemed appropriate, being so close to Mother's Day.  I have been in awe of the two Canadian geese we have that come back year after year.  The mother has a bad leg and we have always wondered if she would make it back each year.  But she keeps hanging in there, coming back, year after year.  And with her mate they have hatched several babies for us to enjoy.

They are very protective of the babies and clearly committed to raising the babies together.  When they come up out of our pond and sit in the shade daddy stands sentry, off to the side, while mommy and babies feed and clean their feathers.  When I got closer to take pictures, the daddy got quite upset with me and did a lot of "hissing".  Eventually, after moving slowly and talking to him, he did let me get fairly close (bribed with crackers as well, lol).

I noticed later when they were back in the pond how the mother swam in front, with the babies in the middle, and the father holding up the rear.  My parents have certainly supported me through all of the easy times as well as the tough times.  My mom has been a strong influence in my life and when people say how much I remind them of my mom, I am always flattered.  I have learned so much from her, not only in how to raise my own children, but more recently in how to deal with chronic pain.  I continue to be amazed at how she copes with both M.S. and fibromyalgia, and continues to provide love and support to our family.  She shows a quiet dignity in dealing with her challenges while at the same time knowing how to set her limitations.  I've learned from her that we all have to be advocates for our own healthcare.  My mom is truly my hero and I am sure many of you will identify with that statement.  How similar mom's are across the ages and even in the animal world.  When injured or in pain or dealing with  life's challenges, our moms continue to be there for us!

I am blessed to have been able to spend Mother's Day with my mom and thankful for every year that I continue to have that luxury.  I hope that you all enjoyed a beautiful day yesterday and felt the "God like" love that only a mom can give.  Whether she is here with you or has made that journey to be with our Lord, her immense and undying love lives on for eternity..........

Love and blessings to you all!

Mary Anne